Need help with weaning and sleeping issues.


My 10 month old is very attached to nursing. At 6 months we started feeding her solids, but she has many days where she barely wants to eat, and she still gets probably 75% of her nourishment from bf because she eats very little at a time. Even when she does eat a lot, she still wants to nurse afterwards.

In addition to that, the only way I can get her to sleep is nursing her. Sometimes if my husband or nother have her they can get her to sleep, but not if she can see or hear me. She still wakes up during the night (usually 2-3 times, on bad nights it can be more like 7) and will only go back to sleep from being nursed. While I'm not good at letting her cry it out, when I do try she starts screaming. Like what starts out as a light whining wakes her up more and she'll start thrashing around in her crib or sitting up.

I don't mind continuing to bf until she's ready to wean, but thought by now she'd be eating more food and feeling satisfied by food. I have a hard time taking her out anywhere because I know that even if she eats, she's still going to have to nurse (I'm really not a fan of nursing in public, even with a cover). And it would be great if she wasn't waking up constantly during the night just because she wants to suck. I should add that she will NOT take a pacifier. If I try she'll just cry harder, turn her face away and swat at it. It's getting super frustrating that instead of her becoming a BETTER sleeper, she's getting worse. What do I do? 😣