My boyfriend's BM is CRAZY!!!!

she is ALWAYS texting him trying to get him to do stuff for her, pick her up when she's drunk, go places with her.. she always texts him about how she still loves him and always will and completely disrespecting our relationship. we got into it a few weeks ago because she had the nerve to call me psychotic, so now she is trying to tell this GROWN ASS MAN(my SO) who is 22, that if he wants to see his son, he has to go to his mom's just to have him, EVEN THOUGH the child support papers clearly say he gets him every other weekend and doesnt specify where. so today she texts him that she wants to take her son to the park to practice for t ball and asks him if he wants to go.. he then says I'm coming because one, we were going to go eat afterwards, and two, I'd like to see him considering this little boy has been in my life for six months now and I care about him a lot and enjoy being around him.. and she makes a big deal about him bringing me and saying that if he does, they're leaving.. and how her son doesn't want to see me, yet he talks to her and asks about me all the time, and she has said so herself.. she is just one big baby, and she is SOOO selfish.. my SO wont do exactly what she wants and please her because they aren't together, so she threatens his relationship with his 3 y/o son.. for instance, when he asked her to sign the divorce papers, her exact words were "sign your rights over, and I'll sign them" it's pathetic.. 
(sorry just needed to vent) 😭😭😭😭