Just need to vent....

So today was my boyfriends birthday..we went to his parents house for dinner...him and my son ( who is 12) were joking around back and forth..well my boyfriend I think took it too far...he was telling my son all his baby pictures looked like he had down syndrome...my son got upset...and so did i...I do not believe that was funny one single bit...so when I said something he got defensive and said he needs to learn to take it....o I'm sorry being mean to a child does not fly with me...his mom even said multiple times to stop it's not funny....so now he just keeps going looking at his siblings baby pictures and saying they look like they have down syndrome also...and I'm sorry that's just ignorant and not funny...it turned into a huge argument from him and then tried to turn it on me and started looking for things to yell at me about...it told him it upset me because when my son was a baby my cousin started a rumor that he had down syndrome...so by him saying that it brought back very hurtful memories...and instead of being sympathetic and saying sorry he blows up and makes things worse...now we are not talking and he told me I ruined his birthday...I am so mad right now..like come on dude..your an adult...although he is acting like a complete child throwing a tantrum right now...I even apologized ...why? Idk because I don't think I needed to...but I did...and he still could not apologize to me for hurting my feelings...ugh...sorry this is long but I really needed to vent ...was I wrong? I guess mama bear mode kicked in...he does not have kids so he does not get it....but I still think as an adult clearly making fun of a child is wrong....I'm building my kids up not putting them down...