my boobs don't hurt.

Is there such thing as being pregnant and your boobs NOT hurting?! 
I'm trying my best not to 1.) Be a negative Nancy and 2.) get my hopes up. I'm constantly trying to live somewhere in between those two. I have a pretty bad case of PCOS and it hasn't been until recently that I have been trying to learn my body and figure out how to make sense of my body failing me at such a young age.
Long story short: before I got my Mirena IUD, I had relatively regular periods in my early 20s. Mid 20s: 2 periods/month (literal hell). IUD: no periods x 2 years. IUD came out in November 2016, and my cycles have varied since then from 28-38-ish days. Slightly irregular but I have had periods nonetheless. Well, today is day 44 since my last and this is my predicament. 
I have had some food aversions and associated nausea but not consistently. Crazy mood swings, more frequently than normal for my PMS. No strange bleeding or discharge that I've noticed. My boobs don't hurt either. I'm aware that the obvious answer is to test. I'm going to test on Wednesday if AF still hasn't shown up. I tested last Wednesday and it was negative.  
But I mean, has anyone been pregnant with out having all of the regular and cliche symptoms or am I just crazily hopeful? Ugh. I hate this game. It's not fun at all.
Also planning on seeing my OB next month to start Clomid if no baby this month. Blah.