I need some help... about a year ago I broke up with my boyfriend after 5 years together and I've been thinking about him a lot lately. The reason why I broke up with him was  because we were always fighting and I always felt like I was putting more into the relationship then he was. When I did break up with him we were still on speaking terms and I told him I still wanted to be in his life and talk to him here and there, and he was on the same page. I gave him the space he needed and only talked to him here and there. About 3 months after we broke up he started dating this girl and I drunk texted him seeing how he was doing and being really flirty sending emojis. (An emoji never killed anyone.) and I asked him to come over to see my new place... I get a text from him saying he's outside, but by the time he sent that I was passed out. When I woke up I had several missed calls and some very rude messages from his new gf. Which I understand I was in the wrong and apologized to them. But when I was looking at the messages I got a text saying he was outside and was going to leave soon then about an hr later I get a text saying she's outside and she wants to talk.... so It kinda sounds that he did come over then she found out.. but who knows. If that's the case she should be mad at him and not me, entirely. But the whole time she was responding, never him. So after that weekend I messaged him saying how sorry I was and didn't want to ruin anything. But he basically flat out told me he wanted nothing to do with me. And never wanted to talk.... I know it's stupid of me to have thought we could still be friends after 5 years together. But idk what's wrong with me. I miss him a lot lately idk if it's because I can't talk to him and see how he's doing, cuz I know I won't get a response or she will bite my head off. And I'm kinda worried about him. She's very controlling he doesn't hangout with his friends very much, which he was all about when we were together. He's doing acid with her all the time... I'm just worried.
Anyone has some words of wisdom for me what should I do? Do I really just need to move on?