TMI (light blood pics for opinion) AF was 2 days I'm spotting light

Sorry for the pictures but just wanted to share to get your true opinion. The last two weeks I was feeling like I could finally be pregnant. I was driving myself crazy with all the symptoms and looking things up online. I took a pregnancy test and it was a BFN. My period was due on the 11th & got it yesterday. Put on a tampon & when I went to change it there was almost nothing on there. Checked my tampon this morning from last night & again....very light. I suffer from endometriosis & when I get my period I usually wear the ultra big tampons because my flow is crazy. Right now have a light one on. I'm so confused. I took a pregnancy tests yesterday with a BFN, now light bleeding. If I did get pregnant I conceived around 2/22-24. What do you gals think? Top pic is yesterday's flow & bottom pic is last night glow removed this morning. 
Urgh this stresses me out. I've had the worse few months ever. My dad passed away, my daughter has been acting out bad & my X BF is now my X because I found out he was doing Heroin. Was lying & even stealing $$ from my purse. Just been a shit show. We were trying for so long and I was on Clomid. I'm 37 & this was honestly my last chance. I told myself I would keep the baby & raise it solo if It took. Now I just don't know but the spotting is worrying me.