Depo Provera...i need some insight...

I got my depo shot on the day of March 9th and had, had and abortion by pill the days of the 5th and 6th of march because, i was trying to leave an abusive relationship for my safety and my daughter and the unborn. My family felt it was best and i just complied to keep the peace. I don't need not one negative comment about that decision because, i already know what my options were and still no matter what i was scared and it was necessary. Back to the doctor and nurse said it would last for 3 months and then my body would start to get back to normal immediately and chances of pregnancy would be high. When i did my own research it stated that it would take between 4-10 months to concieve and it would take up to 2 years from the date of the last shot for my body to want to concieve like a woman who has never had the this in fact true?? has anyone else had trouble after depo? this makes my first shot but, i am pissed because, if i wanted to have this type of effect then i would've chose something different. I hate knowing that my body isn't gunna naturally regulate itself normally right after. I'm upset. How long did it take you all to concieve afterwards? how long did it take you all to get your normal bodies back after your last shot?