Am I being emotional or what?

It has been almost 2 weeks since my significant other told his parents we were expecting. Well, his parents and 3 brothers (who are married, engaged and dating a women) no one has reached out to me and gave me any kind of congrats. Nothing. We both have kids from previous relationships, my daughter is 10 and his is 5. His ex wife is still around a lot because she is constantly dropping their daughter (and he son from another relationship off to his parents) I am feeling really hurt no one has said Anything to me. Granted his mom is mad at me because I spoke up to his ex wife when she refused to proved us with insurance inforatmion when we flew our kids to Florida in January. Things got nasty and his ex threatened his family seeing her son (the child from a previous relationship.) yeah maybe I had no right to speak up but GUESS WHAT if you look back it HAD to be hormones that made me finally speak up after over a year of her being inconsiderate and inconsistent. Regardless I feel like a pregnancy and baby are a blessing and a GREAT reason to open a "new door" I am just feeling really sad. I had my first child at 19 and her dads family really wanted little to do with me or my pregnancy and I feel like that's happening again. First time because we were young and they thought I should have reconsidered my options and this time because my significant others ex makes threats :( I am really hurting inside. Do I have a right to be hurt? So many people have showered us with love and congrats but no one from his family has, no one.