is my mom possessed?? please answer (scary)

Okay so this morning my mom told me that in the middle of the night she was standing over me (because I was looked I getting smothered by the covers so she claims) and she said she tried to grab me and I held her hand and said I love you momma. And I don't even remember that. Like that never even happened. Then this morning she was walking out of the bath room( this is what really got me) and she started starring at a picture of Jesus on the wall for like 30 secounds (may have been less but it was a long pause) and then walked away and I was like U crazy and I asked her about it and she said she don't even remember doing that. And swore up and down that she didn't but I ain't crazy. I was doing my makeup. And then she tried to like play it off and put everything back on me. Even my grandmother said she been acting mean here latley. And the other day she said she felt weird like she gonna get her period. Idk if that has anything to do with it but yah and sorry this was so long.