What is wrong with me?

My husband and I spent years trying for a baby. For years, I knew that there was one thing I really wanted in life and it was to be a mother. We had miscarriages, treatments, adverse effects, and a lot of time to sit upon the realization that it might not happen for us. Then, it finally did. During my whole first trimester, I was an emotional wreck. I expected to miscarry or be told something was horribly wrong, but we made it. In the second trimester, it began to sink it that it was real. This was happening...but for some reason, I couldn't feel happy. Everyone says when you finally hear that heartbeat or see that ultrasound, you'll fall in love. Me? I thought it was cute, but my reactions were blasé. I'm now well into my third trimester and closing in on the birth of my son-my planned, long-anticipated, and perfectly healthy son. Still, I can't seem to attach myself to the pregnancy. I feel so guilty now. We wanted this for years. We cried, we prayed, we gave up...I should be over the moon. I'm scared to death that I will have this boy and not feel anything. Has anyone experienced this, and if so, do you have advice? I don't want to be on anti-depressants, because I don't feel depressed. I just don't feel attached to him, as awful as that sounds. I don't know what's wrong with me. This was my dream, and it has come true...why can't I feel anything toward him?