Feeling snubbed by family for my first Mother's Day with 2 wk old baby

This post is partially just to vent but also want to see if anyone can relate.
 I'm a FTM due April 28th so my baby will be about 2 weeks old by Mothers Day.  Me & my siblings always take our mom out to a nice brunch on Mothers Day.  I just found out they made reservations for this year...without me & my husband. 😧
 I know it's unrealistic to take a newborn out to a crowded restaurant, but I feel a little hurt that my family didn't even ask if I would like to do anything on my very first Mothers Day!  My mom said she could stop by to bring something from the restaurant but it feels like that's just a consolation prize.  I'm tempted to tell her don't bother, we will just do our own thing but I don't want to sound like I'm being petty or immature.  We normally have a great relationship.
I'm not sure if I'm overreacting or if it's just the hormones.  I actually cried over it earlier today.  😥
For FTM, do you have any Mother's Day plans yet & will you continue to celebrate with extended family, or will you start a new tradition with just your brand new family?