How did you deal with it...?

I'll be a ftm soon...and I guess I wasn't one of the lucky ones that didn't get stretch marks...anyways, I feel like it doesn't even matter whether i use anything to prevent them anymore 😔 It's just been making me so sad. I'm probably making a big deal out of nothing but I feel like after I have my baby ...(well obviously I won't be having sex for a while 😅) but anyways...I feel like I just won't be confident anymore as far as being intimate or wearing certain clothes...and I don't know how my s.o will take it. I never let him see me naked anymore because well I don't feel attractive and the stretchmarks don't help. I don't know what I'm going to do because I know they can't disappear magically..I don't have money for laser treatments rn either so that's out.. 🙃