
Alright so, my friend has a boyfriend. They've been together since June 2016. They are "madly in love", have their own place and pets, and she is just head over heels for him. But I've always been very suspicious that he might not feel as strongly as she did about the relationship. Well they always were arguing, he would hide his phone, and he enlisted in the military. In November he lost his job and just decided he wasn't going to try and get a new one considering he was leaving in march. Leaving her to pay for all of their bills (apartment, both cars, bills, and etc.) About two weeks ago he was shipping off to boot camp and he proposed and handed his phone to her. After a few days she was on his phone looking through his email to pay his phone bill and an email for the MEETME app popped up. She was confused and realized he had deleted multiple dating apps. She redownloaded them and logged in. The dumbass didn't bother deleting any of the messages. She found tons of chats between him and other girls from the night before he left to go to boot camp. Asking for pictures because he was lonely and leaving the next day. As she was scrolling through she even found some to another guy. At this point she went through all of his social media, deleted apps and a bunch of stuff came out. He had brought another girl to THEIR house and messed around with her in THEIR bed. She is obviously upset and mad. But she is acting like it's her fault, and wants to stay with him. And I understand that she loves him, but she deserves so much better. How can I help her understand what he did was not okay and that she really needs to think about marrying this man that cheats on her.