I seriously need help

So, I've been really sick the past 3 days, this is my 3rd day of being sick. I can't hear hardly anything, my throats on fire and I can't hardly breath through my nose or mouth. And my fucking ears keep popping. I am 16 and can't drive yet, and my grandmother (she's not old she's pretty young) refuses to take me to the doctor even though she said yesterday she will take me if it gets worse. So I basically told her if she refuses to take me I'm calling cps or whatever. Because I literally can't fucking breathing and I have existing breathing issues on top of this. She says "that I'm talking like an insane person" and "it's not normal to talk like that" or "that's not normal to say" or some shit. WHEN I WAS LITERALLY SUFFOCATING LAST NIGHT WHEN MY THROAT WAS CLOSING. Even my inhaler does not work anymore. My throat is all swollen and red in the back and weird liquid keeps coming up (it's not mucus it's too thin), it almost tastes sour. So my grandfather steps in because at this point my "grandmother" is literally yelling, and he says "if your great grandma can deal with a lot worse I'm sure you'll be fine" or something to that effect. Which I basically calling me a pussy. They have also refused to take me to the hospital until 4 weeks after I fractured my wrist, and didn't let me get it x rayed. I can still literally feel my throat getting more closed. There's no way I'm calling the hospital or something like that since I have extremely bad anxiety. Idk what to do really tbh, she's such a fucking bitch. She's an abusive narcissistic person. (For other reasons and past abuse). I refuse to leave living here because of my anxiety also, I can't really get another medication since for some reason my "grandmother" thinks it's fine for her to take the bottle and hide it "since I'm such a child" yea, because children and in 12 grade 🙄. Even the doctor had said that I can have my own medication and keep it with me. Idk I know she has definitely taken it though. Idk how this lead onto that lol. But whatever. I'm sick af and I'm literally fucking done with that bitch. Am I over reacting? Or no? She's basically calling me insane for not talking me to the doctor when I can't fucking breathing. Anyways thank you for any help!