Just a place to vent

April • One boy, and one girl. Thought we were done, but the universe had other plans! 💕

NOTE: I know I have not been trying as long as some, I am not here to minimize the experience of others. I just need a place to vent some frustrations.

It's been 8 months since my husband and I have been TTC and AF has joined us again. We've tried tracking BBT, using OPKs, pre-seed, SMEP, and just straight relaxing and having fun with it. I've gone to the doctor who says I am fine and my husband is going to find out about sperm count this week. I keep feeling like we are doing something wrong.

I know how to check for EWCM and we BD on the right days... What makes this so hard, and will I ever get to experience being a mother?

My SIL is pregnant, a friend of ours is pregnant, another friend just had a baby, and multiple people I know from high school and keep up with on Facebook are pregnant.

I'm frustrated, and pretty angry with myself for not being good enough. My husband and I are not getting any younger... He is 32, and I'll be 29 in July.

I had an IUD for 4 years, and it was removed last July. What if I ruined my chances by preventing it for so long... ?

</End vent>

Guess we will try again....