bleaching hair while pregnant?

I'm 7 weeks pregnant will be 10 weeks (as that's when I have an appointment) 
Anyways, I am going to a professional salon that is charging me a couple hundred to bleach my hair to platinum and my roots have grown out to where my natural hair is part my lips(yuck) 
I asked the girl doing my hair if it's safe during pregnancy and she said it should be ok and that it's a myth I can't while pregnant. 
My appt is 3 weeks away she's completely booked. I'm conserving your opinions? Have you ever got your hair bleached while pregnant? 
This is my second child. I didn't bleach my hair with her  though as my roots weren't bad. Mine are terrible now and I'm happy I'm pregnant just shocked since I was on depo then switched to the pills and still had both in my system lol I was gonna bleach my hair anyways and waited until now