hating on my unborn sons name?

Donna • *2/10/04 *4/17/05 *3/6/07 *12/23/10 *6/18/14 ****#6 arriving 8/2017
So today I found out that my husband and I are expecting a healthy baby BOY. After 5 girls, we were super excited to find out we were finally getting our boy. So being the excited mother that I am, after personally notifying all family and close friends first, I posted the announcement on mine and my husbands joint Facebook page. I also announced our sons name (which my husband previously agreed to). Everyone congratulated us via comments, but then my husband calls me from work all pissed about our sons name. He stated that he had 3-4 phone calls from his personal friends and his family telling him wtf is up with that name. So now my husband is on the bandwagon but I refuse to change my sons name. I'm very upset and wish he would tell me which people had something to say about my sons name, so that I could cut them from my life. Am I over reacting by being upset? I mean, I feel like no matter what I name MY child, someone is going to have something to say. His name is Kylian Jozeff Keegan *last name not disclosed*