

Asking prayers for my husband and I.

2 Fridays ago, I went for my 1st appt thinking I was 7 weeks & 5 days going by my LMP.

I told the nurse I knew the day I ovulated, so according to those calculations, I was right at 5 weeks instead.

We done an ultrasound and saw nothing but the tiniest little black dot that she said was the start of my gestational sac. Then took some blood to check my HCG levels.

I go back this Friday for more blood tests and another ultrasound, hoping the sac has grown along with seeing a baby. And I'm so nervous and numb at the same time. I can't explain.

This is my 5th pregnancy, but 3rd baby that I'm carrying because our last 2 earned their wings too soon. We're hoping this is our little girl we've longed for.

We haven't even shared the news with our 2 sons because I can't bare the thought of telling my 8 year old heart breaking news again if something goes wrong.

Please keep us in your prayers. Thank you.