It's hard seeing him like that 😳

My little man got his 2 month vaccines on Tuesday and at night got a high fever the next morning it was up to 101.5 so we rushed him to the e.r we spent 7 hours in the e.r before he was admitted he was poked so many times they drew blood checked his urine but so far I've onoly gotten one answer" he has a virus that causes a cough and a runny nose that can't be the reason for his fever and according to the pediatrician the vaccines shouldn't cause a fever that high... I just had surgery on Monday still recovering...i also have 2 other children that i really miss and i know they miss me ..i just want my baby to get better so we can go home we are currently waiting for blood culture results and some results from an ultrasound they did on his kidneys my poor baby 😞 so its our second night staying in the pediatric unit please pray for my baby hopefully its nothing serious and he can go home tomorrow it's been a long week for us ...