Things I've heard while TTC

"You don't want a baby. It's not as fun as it looks"
"We have too many babies in the family already"
"Just stop trying and it will happen"
"Why do you want a baby so bad anyways?"
"You haven't been married long enough"
"Enjoy your life before you start having babies"
"It can't be that hard for you to get pregnant"
And my favorite by far came from my own father when he found out I had a chemical pregnancy the week before. "It's a good thing you lost it because you don't need kids right now anyways." I'm not sure how many other women who are TTC hear phrases like this but they honestly make me want to rip someone's head off. I think it's total bulls*** that anyone friends, family or strangers have a right to tell me when it's okay to have children and then make light of things when I announce losing a child and you're having a hard time conceiving again. I wish people knew how painful it is and how you feel so lost and like it's your fault.