Check your blood pressure! Hospital stay at 21 weeks

Hey guys, just wanted to share my story and remind you to check your blood pressure and take your meds if you're at risk for preeclampsia!
I went to the ER on Wednesday because I'd been getting 160/120 readings on my cuff for a while. They measured my bp with the hospital machines and I was hitting 200/115! My baby's heart sounded fine on the Doppler machine but obviously I needed some management. I was there for several hours until my usual obgyn came - thankfully for us he was scheduled to come to the ER that afternoon. My blood pressure was still around 180 so he decided to keep me at the hospital for the night to bring it down to a more normal level.
Anyway at midnight they gave me a medication called nifedipine, which gave me super strong heart palpitations (I could see my clothes bouncing) and 120-130 heart rate. It was weird and I had to concentrate really hard to keep calm because it kinda felt like a panic attack. I tried to sleep through it and got a headache too but the medicine worked and my bp was down to around 145 in the morning. They took me in for an ultrasound and my baby looked just fine and growing normally, but they found my uterine arteries are not working well, blood is passing with increased resistance which is a consequence of that high blood pressure.
I was discharged after that but I have to take meds (methyldopa) every 8 hours and will have checkups every other week with my obgyn and a perinatologist. I hope I don't develop preeclampsia but in any case my doctor said it was likely that my baby will have to be born earlier. We're hoping to hit 37 weeks with her, so she should be here the first days of July.
Thanks for reading if you got this far :) please take your meds and check your bp!