What's my best option?

I'm a 22 year old virgin (as far as penetrative vaginal sex goes) but I'm considering having sex with my boyfriend in the near future. I haven't been to the gyno before (I know, I know, I need to go but it freaks me out) and I don't know if I'd be able to get an appointment soon or not. So what are my best options if I were to have sex with him in the near future?
Is a condom enough if used properly? Is it that difficult to use one perfectly? I ask that because it seems pretty damn simple but all the stats say typical use is like 80% effective and I just wonder how people mess it up. And if a condom alone isn't enough, which I'm a bit paranoid anyway so I'd probably want a backup, what over the counter options are the best?
I just don't know if I can get prescription BC any time soon and don't really want to have to discuss it with my parents because they don't have a positive view on premarital sex. But I want to be prepared and not have to worry if it happens.