Cosmic forces???

Tiffany • C 2001, K 2003, M 2005, M 2016, L 2017.
Our family has a very large fish tank and about a month and a half ago we had the whole tank go down and all our fish die because of ick. So I tore it all apart and washed EVERYTHING!!! So last Saturday my 11 yr old and I went and got new fish. We decided on mollies this time instead of gold fish. Well we get home and I am looking at the fish and say to Hubby um I think this fish is pregnant look at her. He of course tells me I have pregnancy on the brain. So I find a breeder box on e bay and have him order it for me. Yesterday we were looking at the fish and he says which one did you think was pregnant. So I point her out and then she comes closer and I was like oh shit her belly is way smaller today!!!! So we start searching the tank. Sure enough she had 4 babies. So I rig a breeder box until the real one gets here (tupaware dish that cracked on me yesterday morning and I had thrown in the recycling bin). Crossing my fingers that this is a sign.