Anyone else struggling to loose the baby weight? 😒

Kayla • 3 yr old baby girl born Jan 2017, baby girl #2 due Oct 2020
I'm almost 8 weeks pp and I still need to loose 25lbs to get to my pre-baby weight (I'd like to loose even more if possible) I'm breastfeeding and I'm barely producing enough for my daughter to eat without supplementing (though I have had to a couple of times.) I'm worried that if I go on a diet or exercise too much that I'll lower my supply and I can't risk that, but at the same time I can't stand looking at my body. I constantly see all these moms bouncing back right after baby with little to no stretch marks and a flat stomach. I'll ask what they did to snap back so fast and they usually reply with nothing, I just breastfed and ate whatever I wanted. Then I want to punch them in the face.. lol not really. I'm seriously so jealous!! I know some moms work their butt off to get back to shape, and I'm jealous of them too bc dang when do you have the time and energy?! I feel bad bc I complain a lot about how I look and my husband basically just wants me to get over it. He said you just had a baby.. and I'm like yeah but so did all these other girls and look how good they look. He doesn't understand why I hate my body so much even though it did such a wonderful thing! He wants me to buy new clothes bc basically none of mine fit, unless you count maternity clothes but who wants to wear those when you're not pregnant anymore. But Buying new clothes pretty much twice the size I was and having most stuff not fit is depressing. I'm always wearing my band and a loose shirt bc I'm worried someone will actually mistake me for being pregnant! I know I can't be the only one feeling this way! Feels good to actually talk about it with other mommies and hopefully having some that understand what I'm going through!Â