Induction story (positive)


Alot of people are scared of induction as they hear many horror stories. I can't say it hurts less than a naturally induced labour as this was my first experience.

My baby was over due by 12 days and as my hospital policy they induce at this time.

I went in on Saturday and had the first induction technique which was the gel this is meant to soften the cervix and I had this at 5pm. They planned to keep it in for 24 hours before they expected anything to happen.

At 12 midnight I started to have strong regular contractions at 3-4 mins apart.

At 8am I couldn't stand the pain any longer (all I had was paracetamol) they checked me where I was 4cm dialated and I had had my mucus show.

The contractions got stronger and I was moved to the birthing pools to start the birthing process.

As soon as I got into the room my body took over and I wanted to push. (The only pain relief I had was my breathing techniques and every so often a puff of gas and air)

I got into the pool and after a few contractions my baby was born at 12.34. 12 and 1/2 hours after my contractions started.

I feel a positive mind helped me through with no pain meds and the birthing pool was amazing.

I chose not to listen to people when they said induction hurts more and it's a terrible experience.

I wanted people to read this a realise your experience is unique and you can give birth the way you want.