Just cant have normal news


After having a abnormal quadscreen and having everything come back fine, we now are going through difficult scans. The first anatomy scan she decided to stay curled up in a little ball. So they were only able to check half the markers. But they thought I had a two vien cord. 4 weeks later another anatomy scan. They confirmed I have a two vien cord but once again she was scrunched up on her side. The US tech kept saying how her chin was tucked to her chest "casting shadows". In to see the dr and she says that there may be fluid around her heart. So in a week I have to get a fetal echo with a prenatal specialist.

What do I do?, the dumbest thing ever... I googled.... hydrops fetalis.... dont google this term for the love of god.

I have no idea if this is and issue bc i miscarried b4 I got the scheduled D&E, so no tissue sample for RH factor. So who know if this is a issue with this pregnancy.

She is moving though, her heart rate is steady, she is growing on track.

I know there is nothing to do but wait and stay positive. I am just so nervous. Any body else going through this stuff? Of course im becoming overwhelmed... dont google... dont google... dont google