help! Mirena IUD coming out??

So I got my Mirena IUD back around August and everything was going well - I haven't gotten my period since. The past few days I have had sharp stabbing pain in my pelvic area and then yesterday I started bleeding for the first time in MONTHS. This bleeding came with pain, but not normal period cramps so I was very worried. I called my GYN but they scheduled an appointment for April 3rd, in 2 weeks even though I told them about the pain, bleeding and scared of possible ectopic pregnancy, PID, or dislodgment of it. 
TONIGHT, as I take a shower and I'm cleaning myself, I'm cleaning my vagina (as we all do) and I feel as if there is a hair like from my head, so I try to pull it since it was fairly long... WELL, as I pull it I feel a semi pull from my vagina and uterus!!! I scream for my husband and mother to see hey, is this a real hair or elastic coming out of my vag right now (cause I tried ripping it, but it wouldn't break!!) so now I'm sitting on my bed in a towel debating on if I should go to the ER to make sure it hasn't punctured anything or if I should call my GYN in the morning to schedule an appointment ASAP (even though they should have to begin with!!) 
So ER or wait for my GYN? Im freaked cause I can legit feel it out of me and I can it in me.