Pregnant from Pre-Cum

Hey everyone, My boyfriend and I have been abstaining from full on intercourse, we haven't had full on sex in over a year, but we have been messing around a little bit with dry sex. On occasion, we try this thing where I will take my underwear off, but he will still have his on and will stick the tip inside me and do a little bit of teasing. Most of the time we notice pre-ejaculation and stop, but I am wondering if it is possible for me to get pregnant from his pre-cum in this situation? I have searched the internet for answers and most places say that sperm cannot penetrate through clothing, but is this possible if the clothing is wet from my end? I have been worrying myself about this for about a week after I was experiencing some nausea, but at this point the nausea could have been caused by stressing over this situation. I am also diagnosed with GAD which I read can also cause occaisional nausea in the morning.