Postpartum weight lost

I delivered my son 10 weeks ago and I'm exclusively breastfeeding..Now,I know many mommies are struggling to lose weight, but I'm the opposite.

 My pre pregnancy weight was around 66kg/145lb.I gained 19lb during my pregnancy and and within a month of delivering weight dropped to 136lb and it keeps dropping.Right now I'm at 130 lb.Im losing 2lb every month without even trying.Im constantly hungry and I eat all the time! So what gives? My boobs on the other hand is getting bigger.

Currently I'm wearing 34G cup.Im a petite 5ft 2 and coupled with my weight lost my body looks super disproportionate.I feel very self conscious of my body when i go out..

P.S Im an Asian and average bra size here is A cup.You can imagine the stares i get!