labor tips

Okay ladies, here's the deal! I am currently 36+1 with an IUGR baby. No other serious complications other than she is measuring 3 weeks behind. 
I have 3 appointments every week, 1 ultrasound and 2 NST's, and we have already gotten the steroid shot at 35 weeks. 
My doctor says if at any point anything looks even a little off at any of the appointments then we will induce that day, and if I make it to 39 weeks we are going to induce then. So here's my question, what can I do to start preparing my body for labor now? So that if I do get induced before 39 weeks I won't have to be in labor forever.🙄(Tea, bounce ball, stretching?) I really don't want to spend days in the hospital on pitocin and trying to get my body to progress. I feel like if I start the process now then when induction time comes it (hopefully) won't take so long to get her out. :)