Is something wrong?

My partner and I had sex (not the first time) on Monday night, and ever since things haven't been feeling right 'down there'. The first thing I noticed was a very tiny amount of blood when I wiped after peeing and I was quite tender- almost like a bruise. I didn't think much of it, just thought maybe we got a little too hot and heavy since it was our last time having sex before he flew home for a week. However, ever since I've been abnormally itchy. I considered maybe it's just because I'm not shaving right now and I normally do, but it really doesn't feel like that. Right now I am INSANELY itchy and after about half an hour of going literally crazy, I took a mirror and had a look down there. My vagina looks totally swollen and almost like it's inside out. I've never had this happen before. Help 😩