She's pregnant 😣😭 vent time.

My sister is 14 weeks pregnant, announced to me yesterday by my mother on my 2 year anniversary with my boyfriend.

Ive been trying to get pregnant for a year with no luck.

She got pregnant accidently despite knowing she never wanted a baby and on numerous times saying she's abort if she ever did but refusing to go on any contraception.

For the part 3 months by sister has been "seriously ill" pretty much bed bound and saying she can't even get up because of the pain she got sympathy of everyone turns out she's just pregnant and since she found out she's been fine. Not. One. Problem.

I've not stopped crying and I know I'm probably going to get loads of hate for this but I'm not even happy for her, I can't be. Not right now anyways.

No one will probably read this but if you do any tips on deal with it.