Flat pubic bone

Chelsea • Momma of 3 girls. Hailee Lynn 4/14/17 and Identical girls Hannah Michelle and Harper Lee 10/29/18
At my first visit my dr informed me that my pubic bone was flatter than normal and that it may be hard for me to have a vaginal birth. Today I was checked (almost 37 weeks) and was informed that I am still closed and that my pubic bone could still cause an issue with baby girl making her way down. If she does make it down, which apparently the odds aren't the greatest, I'm at risk for 3rd and 4th degree tears. Has anyone else been told that they may not be able to deliver vaginally? Since this is my first baby my dr wants me to at least try to get her to move down and see how it goes but she said don't be surprised if you may need a c-section because of baby not being able to get past that flat bone. I want to try and get her here vaginally as much as possible but will obviously have a csection if needed just really didn't want a csection😩