finding out I was pregnant

I had normal pregnancy symptoms like breasts hurting fatigue and nauseous. But before I thought I was pregnant I had also gotten light cramps like I was going to get my period but it didn't come. And I had some blood work done previously so I was waiting on the results of my blood work and waiting on my period. I thought well maybe I'm just stressing about it and that's why I'm late.  The doctor calls me the next day and said we found traces of HCG levels in your urine, since I have never been pregnant I was like what's that? And they said it's a hormone that's produces while pregnant, you estimate 4 weeks because of your levels when the test was done. And they told me they wanted more blood work to see if the pregnancy was viable. Well soon enough got my blood work, and they told me I was definitely pregnant. I never took a hpt but I did find out through blood work.  I really didn't seem real to me till about a week later when I went to my OB and I saw the baby and it's little heart fluttering strong and fast. And that's my story.