Oh the anxiety!

⚓❄Mary❄⚓ • 31, married almost 2 years (together almost 4years). Healing from loss at 39.5 weeks. Ttc #2, we have a beautiful 4 year old boy
I wish I could just bask in the blessed calm feeling I had two days ago. Now every time I don't feel nauseous, or every time I feel cramping, every time I go pee, I'm looking for blood. Today I am barreling the fear of dissapointment. Its hard when you want something so bad its a part of your everyday thought life. Having a hard time remembering to breath. In afraid to excersise too much (I start cramping) or stand or sit too long, or forget to take my prenatal...yada yada yada... The list goes on. Say a prayer that I can find peace and focus on positive thoughts about my pregnancy. Love you all so very much!