caffeine in one k cup ?

So I have a question.... my only vice during this pregnancy is my morning cup of coffee before I go to the gym. I usually buy the "French roast" huge boxes of Walmart brand k cups, and in the morning I will run it through the keurig TWICE. That's right. One k cup, ran through twice. Both times on 10 oz for a total of 20oz cup of kind of medium strength coffee. (Which is how I like it, yes I'm a bit weird)
So i was googling online and read on this website that one k cup contains about 120 mgs of caffeine.... or about 150 mgs for the "bold" kinds.
Here's the question; since I am running through the same k cup twice, how do you think it effects the caffeine level? Would it double it? Would it only be slightly more since it's already been ran through once ???