Changing religions....



Has anyone changed their religion in the past? If so why? I'm curious but also stuck between two at the moment.

Thank you in advance xx

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Posted at
I was Catholic all my life and ended up being a born again Christian. Life is good 😊 


Posted at
I'm Christian now.   Husband is Muslim.  I study Religious Studies and have been thinking about converting to Islam for the past year.   I try and pray to God but something is holding me back.  It's like I know God is there but at the same time I don't feel sincere about it.   


Am • Apr 17, 2017
you will be able to do it just like any other child. hopefully if we have kids they will have a dual faith as i think its important they learn both Islam and Christianity. when they are older they can then choose. x


as • Apr 16, 2017
I feel the same as you. My worry is how we are going to raise our daughter. She is Muslim. How am I going to teach her and show her the world?


Am • Apr 16, 2017
this is the position I'm in with my OH. hence my question. my biggest worry which probably sounds stupid, but when we die we cant be buried together and its just really bothering me. i just don't know how i feel about religions any more x


Posted at
I was raised Catholic and then later realised that my internal beliefs aligned more with paganism, so that is what I am, a pagan


Am • Apr 14, 2017
thank you, that's a lovely answer! x


AL • Apr 13, 2017
I think that it was a combination of the lack of sin, the realization that the individual has power not just deity, and the appreciation of the world we are in instead of the focus on the world that may or may not be after


Am • Apr 13, 2017
what do you think ultimately made you change?


Posted at
Haha I think I already told you my reasons for changing religion…


Am • Mar 31, 2017
yep sure have! lol x


Posted at
I was raised strict Catholic.. church 5-6 days a week. And once I was able to get over the fear instilled in me i felt Buddhism was more suited for me and now I am very devout although atheistic.


Am • Mar 31, 2017
thats a lovely explanation x


Brooke • Mar 31, 2017
I realized any emotion I felt from "god" was just my mind wanting to believe there was someone out there. Then I read the Buddhist sutras and everything just made sense to me and letting go of worldly pain just became so much easier


Brooke • Mar 31, 2017
I felt that when I "spoke with god" there was no feeling. And that there never really had been


Posted at
I was born and raised Christian. I praised Jesus as my God like Every other Christian I knew. I was always taught that you have to accept Jesus as your LORD and SAVIOR in order to be accepted into heaven and of course because he died on the cross for our sins. As I started to grow up I always wondered about GOD like my mind was always questioning "we give Jesus all the praise, but isn't it god who created us?"I know the story of ISA (Jesus in Islam) like the back of my hand and when he walked to earth HE TOO PRAYED TO GOD. So that really made me start to question how do we pray to Jesus when he prayed to GOD?? Who is our true creator and why don't we give him praise???? And I'm guessing because of these thoughts ALLAH SWT knew my heart searched for the truth the light and the way and I was subliminally introduced to Islam. I started dating a Muslim man in 2015, I was sound in my faith. He prayed his way, I prayed mine. I had NO INTENTION on turning Muslim. We respected each other's beliefs and we were generally happy. One day I was cleaning up and he left his Quran on the table so as I went to move it it fell and opened to the story of ISA (Jesus) and when I picked it up I seen Jesus name now I'm likeSo I started to read and the stories were almost identical... which lead me to start from the beginning of the Quran....(Torah being the 10 commandments) and the (Gospel being the Bible) And after A few months of studying seeing similar bible names like Abraham, Issac, Jacob, MOSES, and more BOOM I was converted ✨✨ Allah did not harden my heart ❤️ He gave me Islam Cause I longed for the truth ❤️❤️❤️ That's my story thanks for listening lol
I was born and raised Christian. I praised Jesus as my God like Every other Christian I knew. I was always taught that you have to accept Jesus as your LORD and SAVIOR in order to be accepted into heaven and of course because he died on the cross for our sins. As I started to grow up I always wondered about GOD like my mind was always questioning "we give Jesus all the praise, but isn't it god who created us?"I know the story of ISA (Jesus in Islam) like the back of my hand and when he walked to earth HE TOO PRAYED TO GOD. So that really made me start to question how do we pray to Jesus when he prayed to GOD?? Who is our true creator and why don't we give him praise???? And I'm guessing because of these thoughts ALLAH SWT knew my heart searched for the truth the light and the way and I was subliminally introduced to Islam. I started dating a Muslim man in 2015, I was sound in my faith. He prayed his way, I prayed mine. I had NO INTENTION on turning Muslim. We respected each other's beliefs and we were generally happy. One day I was cleaning up and he left his Quran on the table so as I went to move it it fell and opened to the story of ISA (Jesus) and when I picked it up I seen Jesus name now I'm likeSo I started to read and the stories were almost identical... which lead me to start from the beginning of the Quran....(Torah being the 10 commandments) and the (Gospel being the Bible) And after A few months of studying seeing similar bible names like Abraham, Issac, Jacob, MOSES, and more BOOM I was converted ✨✨ Allah did not harden my heart ❤️ He gave me Islam Cause I longed for the truth ❤️❤️❤️ That's my story thanks for listening lolI was born and raised Christian. I praised Jesus as my God like Every other Christian I knew. I was always taught that you have to accept Jesus as your LORD and SAVIOR in order to be accepted into heaven and of course because he died on the cross for our sins. As I started to grow up I always wondered about GOD like my mind was always questioning "we give Jesus all the praise, but isn't it god who created us?"I know the story of ISA (Jesus in Islam) like the back of my hand and when he walked to earth HE TOO PRAYED TO GOD. So that really made me start to question how do we pray to Jesus when he prayed to GOD?? Who is our true creator and why don't we give him praise???? And I'm guessing because of these thoughts ALLAH SWT knew my heart searched for the truth the light and the way and I was subliminally introduced to Islam. I started dating a Muslim man in 2015, I was sound in my faith. He prayed his way, I prayed mine. I had NO INTENTION on turning Muslim. We respected each other's beliefs and we were generally happy. One day I was cleaning up and he left his Quran on the table so as I went to move it it fell and opened to the story of ISA (Jesus) and when I picked it up I seen Jesus name now I'm likeSo I started to read and the stories were almost identical... which lead me to start from the beginning of the Quran....(Torah being the 10 commandments) and the (Gospel being the Bible) And after A few months of studying seeing similar bible names like Abraham, Issac, Jacob, MOSES, and more BOOM I was converted ✨✨ Allah did not harden my heart ❤️ He gave me Islam Cause I longed for the truth ❤️❤️❤️ That's my story thanks for listening lolI was born and raised Christian. I praised Jesus as my God like Every other Christian I knew. I was always taught that you have to accept Jesus as your LORD and SAVIOR in order to be accepted into heaven and of course because he died on the cross for our sins. As I started to grow up I always wondered about GOD like my mind was always questioning "we give Jesus all the praise, but isn't it god who created us?"I know the story of ISA (Jesus in Islam) like the back of my hand and when he walked to earth HE TOO PRAYED TO GOD. So that really made me start to question how do we pray to Jesus when he prayed to GOD?? Who is our true creator and why don't we give him praise???? And I'm guessing because of these thoughts ALLAH SWT knew my heart searched for the truth the light and the way and I was subliminally introduced to Islam. I started dating a Muslim man in 2015, I was sound in my faith. He prayed his way, I prayed mine. I had NO INTENTION on turning Muslim. We respected each other's beliefs and we were generally happy. One day I was cleaning up and he left his Quran on the table so as I went to move it it fell and opened to the story of ISA (Jesus) and when I picked it up I seen Jesus name now I'm likeSo I started to read and the stories were almost identical... which lead me to start from the beginning of the Quran....(Torah being the 10 commandments) and the (Gospel being the Bible) And after A few months of studying seeing similar bible names like Abraham, Issac, Jacob, MOSES, and more BOOM I was converted ✨✨ Allah did not harden my heart ❤️ He gave me Islam Cause I longed for the truth ❤️❤️❤️ That's my story thanks for listening lol