something to think about.. 🤔

I read so many stories on here about how some women's boyfriends/husbands cheat on them, call them names or just make them feel low about themselves and it's so sad. I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband who will do anything in this world to make me happy who compliments me everyday who will run to the store to get me anything i'm craving or just want pregnant or not. I was talking to him tonight about the stories I read on here and his response was "I will never understand how some guys wouldn't want to do nice things for their women and treat them right, I love making you happy you're my best friend" my heart 😭 were currently 33 weeks pregnant with our first baby and i'm so so proud to call him my husband and the father of our daughter. Ladies never settle if you know how to treat a man make sure you find yourself a man who respects you and makes you happy! 
my sweet guy 💘💘