anyone in the same boat?

Lizzy • I'm a first time mom to my handsome little boy who was born 8.26.17💙 he makes me incredibly happy. follow our journey and I'll follow yours!😘🙂
I could eat anything really that was sweet, ice cream, candy etc. but now that I'm pregnant I can't even think about sweets without feeling sick!! I just ate a cinnamon roll and it was a total mistake because the baby hates it!! 🤢🤢 all I want is steak and salad. I can't even watch other people eat sweet things! I just can't! Is this a sign of the baby being a boy? I'm 17 weeks and 2 days and I get to find out in 4 days and I'm so impatient and just wanna know now! But I was wondering how many people with boys have had this🤢😋💙