Trying on year 2

So it's been 2 years now since trying to have a baby. I am at the point where I have given up. But before I go to a specialist in am trying to lose weight, see if that is a factor. I was about 140 in high school and 5 years later I am about 193 and for my height, that means I am overweight slightly. Hopefully losing weight will help. It sucks so bad because all I have ever wanted was a baby since I was little. I have 7 brothers and they all have kids and for the past 8 years since the first one was born in have always felt like momma bird number 2 to them. And bother sister in laws have gotten pregnant within months of each other and I wanted my kids to be able to be around the same age as their cousins. I hope that God will gift me a precious baby soon. Cause I am really depressed. Any suggestions?