Pregnant and Alone

Delana • 2️⃣8️⃣ ♓️🧜🏾‍♀️ #Calivibes ☀️🌄 #Baydestrian🌉 #Mum👩‍👧‍👧 & A 👑 by nature🙌🏾
I am 8weeks pregnant today and boy are the emotions running at an all time high. Reality set in today. I will be a single mother... How depressing. I love being on this app, seeing yall growing bellies with the fathers in the rear, proud of their bun in the oven but I can't help but to be overwhelmed with sadness. I was supposed to be that woman. Pregnant, happy and head over heels in love... instead my situation took a turn for the worse and now I'm pregnant, alone & single. The most depressing thing is after all my x and I have been through, he doesn't want my child and comfortable not being in his/her life. Ladies, This is the biggest lesson I have learned in my 26 years of life. I don't think I will ever forgive this man, even if he ends up coming around. It is not right to do this to the mother of your child. I hope no other woman has to go through this because the pain is unbearable.