Stressing out over possible 2nd 50 cycle in a row (unusual)...

I started my TTC (trying to conceive) journey at the age of 31 and I just turned 37. I'm trying to conceive my first child once more after a 3 year break (to long to wait.)
Anyway, from the time I started seriously tracking my cycle at the start of my journey it was 37 days pretty consistently give or take a day.Well, when I began to track again a few months ago it was 30 days and had been up until the cycle before this one.
Around that time I began taking a prenatal vitamin in it with a few extras in it to help my old eggs such as myo-inistol and CQ10. As the cycle after I took it progressed I noticed it messed with my ovulation day, if I ovulated at all. Then cycle day 30 passed and no period, day 37 no period-I stopped taking the vitamin.
And just when I was going to go to the doctor, after 58 days my period dribbled in weakly. The period itself was odd and concerning, I bled for 11 days- the last 5 being very heavy. I've never bled more than 7 days?!
Now, I'm 37 cycle days in and no period.I'm getting nervous! Could the my hormones still be screwy from the supplement I stopped a month ago? I've been off my antidepressants for a month after taking them almost half of my life. Could that effect my cycle? Am I going into menopause on the strike of my 37th birthday? Cysts? Cancer?Help?! I'm so overwhelmed with thoughts!Thanks,
