Minor rant

Kristina • Married to the love of my life with two beautiful sons!
I love my husband to death and we are sooo happy that we just found we are gonna have our first little munchkin in December. However my husband is distant from the whole thing right now (which I totally understand his reasoning) because he is scared to get attached in case something happens (I am 4weeks today..we found out super early cause I just knew and tested).
 I, however, understandably am getting excited and attached and all he keeps saying to me is "calm down and I need you to take a notch down because it's stressing me out how excited you are". He is over the moon but is the biggest realist ever and says that my getting excited is premature but then when I start to worry about complications/loss he goes enjoy the moment and relax, be happy! 🙄 I know he means well and he isn't trying to be a jerk at all, and he is really trying to do his best. he is the sweetest man alive but he just doesn't get it or how women work lol end rant 🙌🏻