Military family...and birth no family near us

DontBeAChunt • Maybe you can try to not be a bitch today, but spread some positivity to those who need it!

We are a military family (stationed in Hawaii)... so we have no family here to keep my 6yr old while I'm in labor,,I have no idea who's gonna keep him he's in kindergarten and we don't want him missing school and he can't stay over night at the hospital with me and dad.

I'm gonna desperately begg my Dr to induce me over Easter weekend he'll have 3days no school (fri,sat,nd sun) that's plenty of time for me to give birth and get home.

I'm stressing so bad about what's gonna happen if my Husband will even be in the room with me will he be at the hospital to help me or will he need to be home with our 6yr old??:(

This would be literally a week before my actual due date... and I was induced with my 6yr old 8 days early due to pupps..

Idk how other military wives/moms do it? I seriously have no idea who will drop my son off and pick him up from school.. we have very few friends and they all work so asking them to help is just a hassell cause they have work everyday..

I'm stressing over this