Clomid Buddy?

Hey! So we have only been trying for 5 months but I have recently had an ovarian cystectomy and I find out tomorrow if I have PCOS. Because my periods are so sporadic my gynae doesn't think I'm ovulating so has put me on Clomid. Typically AF came today after 11 weeks, but the day before my internal ultrasound and three days before the tablets promoting a period. So now I'll be taking Clomid two weeks before I had planned but starting them 07.04.17 which is technically CD3 but I was told to take them CD2-6 (providing I was in full flow, sorry TMI) 
I am really nervous about taking it as I've read loads about horrible side effects but me and my SO really hope this works. BRING IT ON! 👶🏼🤰🏼