My breech twin flipped!


I'm 34+5 today and so far at every appointment baby a has been head down but baby B has been breech or transverse. Because I had a c section with my first my drs are all leaning more towards scheduling a c section since b was breech and that put me at a higher risk of uteren rupture. Found out today that baby b ha flipped to head down! Baby a is low and engaged already. They are going to let me have a "trial of labor" as long as i go into labor on my own by 38 weeks, after 38 of they aren't here yet we'll schedule a section. Also was told from this point on if I do go into labor they wouldn't try to stop it!

Also go great news on their weights! Baby a is measuring 5lbs10oz and 17" long and baby b is measuring 5lbs11oz and 18" long.