It finally worked.

Breastfeeding has been a desire of mine since I found out I was pregnant with #1. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to breastfeed her, but I pumped for 10 months. #2 came in November and I was determined to make it work with her. It started off much better and I was able to nurse like normal for a month and then the bruised, cracked nipples won and I began using a nipple shield. I was very happy I was able to still nurse but was worried that after 4 months of the shield that I wouldn't be able to ween her off. I saw a lactation consultant and she made me feel like it would never happen and then ended up just pissing off me and my daughter. I tried another feed at home and it was another failure. Well, fast forward 2 weeks, today I randomly try again and she took to my nipple without a problem. I couldn't believe it worked and I'm so very happy. Just felt I needed to share my story in case anyone else was in the same situation as me. There is still hope!