April 10- 7 DPO

Well ladies, this is it (sort of). If conception did occur, implantation should be happening anytime now. It could have started last night or it our little blastocysts could still be hanging out in our uterine cavities searching for the perfect place to implant. Once they find a place with a bountiful blood supply, little finger-like projections will stick out of the fertilized egg and grab onto the uterine lining and begin the implantation process. This could cause mild cramping and even some bleeding. 
Once the implantation process beings, the cell (which is actually more like 50 cells by now- way to grow, baby!) will begin to secrete hCG which will tell the corpus luteum (the follicle which released the egg during ovulation) to keep secreting progesterone which will sustain the pregnancy instead of resulting in menstration. hCG will begin to build up over the next few days and could possibly be detectable by a home pregnancy test a mere 48 hours after the implantation process begins.
Remember, while implantation usually occurs on day 6 or 7 DPO, it could occur as late as 12 DPO! So if you take a home pregnancy test in the next few days, don't fret if it's negative. You simply may not have enough hCG in your system yet.
Good luck, and may all your tiny humans find a lovely place to grow this week!
Xoxo 💗🎉☺️
PS: Please comment with any concerns, celebrations, symptoms, etc you'd like to share with he group! I look forward to hearing from you all!