What would you do?


Yes, another one.

Let's say you're walking home from a party with a friend. You're slightly tipsy. You see a girl who is drunk off her ass, stumbling around. Assuming she's trying to get home, you go up to her and ask her if she's okay and if she needs any help. A strange guy around your age comes out of no where and says he knows her and he'll take care of her. Something feels off and she's too drunk to even care where she's going and who she's going with. What would you do?

I don't trust anyone. I couldn't let a drunk girl go off with someone who could take advantage of her. I'd tell the guy that it's okay and my friend and I could take her back. I'd look for a phone and see if I could find an address or someone I could call to come get her, but if not I'd just take her home with me and let her sleep it off.

This isn't based on any one case. I've heard it happening in multiple murder and rape cases.

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