Induction day turned into she came on her own

So today I was supposed to get induced at 9pm! Well my sassy little stubborn rainbow baby wasn't having it lol so proved a point she was gonna come when she wanted and not forced lol. I was having contractions 2 mins apart since 3am, so told my hubby let's go to the hospital. I got there at 4am and they checked me and I was still 30% effaced and 2cm which mind you I've been that since 32 weeks, so they told me to go walk around the floor for and hr and if nothing changes then to go home til 9pm to get induced which kinda annoyed me Cuz I was in so much pain. Well walked around for an hour came back to my room I was 4cm!!! So she was like ok your changing so the Dr on call said to keep then an hr later my little princess pushed down so hard bam 6am my water broke! So by the I was already 5cm and ready to get an pain meds. My little Scarlett Frances came into the world at 1141am at 7lbs 4oz and 19 inches long! My biggest baby yet!!! I'm so happy everything happened without getting induced!!! Now I can't stop looking at her 😍😍😍